Furniture Bank, a pioneering social enterprise, has embarked on a remarkable journey of impact measurement, culminating in their recognition as Clear Impact’s Social Sector Hero of the Year in 2025. This prestigious award not only celebrates Furniture Bank’s exceptional measurable impact but also highlights their commitment to transparency and continuous improvement in serving communities across Canada.
The Evolution of Impact Measurement at Furniture Bank
For over a decade, Furniture Bank has been at the forefront of impact measurement within the charitable sector. The organization’s journey began with a focus on processing administrative records, tracking key outputs, and conducting forecast Social Return on Investment (SROI) analyses. In recent years, Furniture Bank has significantly enhanced its approach, refreshing its theory of change and developing a more comprehensive impact measurement framework.
This journey reflects Furniture Bank’s commitment to community-driven, flexible, and transparent impact measurement practices, aligning with the principles of the Common Approach and Trust-Based Philanthropy. It demonstrates a progression from basic output tracking to a sophisticated, stakeholder-inclusive model that supports organizational growth and sector-wide learning.
This evolution was driven by a desire to gain a deeper understanding of their programs and services. Furniture Bank invested in listening to beneficiaries and target audiences through individual interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys. This enhanced approach not only allows Furniture Bank to measure and track intended outcomes but also provides insights into unexpected outcomes, both positive and negative, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and transparency.