
April is Earth Month – Vermont Woods Studios

April is Earth Month – Vermont Woods Studios

Earth Day happens every year on April 22 when we’re all called to show our support for Mother Nature. The first Earth Day was in 1970, during the era of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Since then it’s grown into “Earth Month”, a whole month of events with over 1 billion people participating in more than 193 countries.

We’re Celebrating Earth Month with Trunks & Leaves

At Vermont Woods Studios we’re celebrating Earth Day and Earth Month with a new tree planting initiative. We’re partnering with our friends at Trunks and Leaves to help restore the forest habitat of Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka. In this project we’re raising awareness that conservation of forests and wildlife starts in each of our homes. We’re encouraging people to ensure that, when they’re buying forest products, they find out where those products are from. You’d be surprised at how many wood products (especially furniture) are brought to you from illegal and unsustainable sources.

Conservation starts at home.

For many years we have focused our tree-planting efforts on our partnership with Forests for Monarchs. I can happily report that we’ve helped FFM grow to the point where they are strong, robust and self-sustaining. Now we’re trying to rinse and repeat that success story with our friends at Trunks & Leaves.

Cast Your Vote for Mother Nature During Earth Month

Why not make a commitment to scrutinize your spending during Earth Month 2023? If you want to change the world, the best place to start is with the power of your purse. Happy Earth Day!

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