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I have been thinking of adding cafe curtains to my windows for over a year. I finally gave it a try! I don’t know what I was waiting for, it’s not a life-altering decision. It’s just a pressure rod and a cafe curtain (and some curtain rings!). Ha!
I’m glad I finally listened to my heart. I love it! I like the window without it, too, so I wasn’t certain I needed to try it. I wasn’t in a hurry. But my heart kept asking! This curtain panel set is not expensive and will be simple to remove or change if I decide it’s not right for me later. Now that I love it, I might even add them to the dining room!
Why not? Decorating should be fun.
Our home should be a reflection of the things we love. I was sharing with my HomeBody Gathering Place community last week that when it comes to our home, I think it’s always worth listening to our heart. We don’t have to change everything based on a whim, but there’s a reason our heart is drawn to certain things. It’s good to explore what it is and sometimes you can find a reasonable or “less risky” way to follow your heart.
If there isn’t a big risk to making that decision or in giving something a try, what do you have to lose? What’s the worst that could happen? If you can live with that, it might be worth the risk. Or look for a similar alternative that still inspires you.
There are definitely some decisions where it might make more sense to “play it safer” and others to not be so worried about!
A home should tell our story, so I think it’s worth finding ways to let your heart speak so you can decorate with what you really love.
What decorating decisions paralyze you the most?

We work through ways to make decorating decisions you can live with in HomeBody Gathering Place.