
STL317: Tenons on the router table

STL317: Tenons on the router table

Duplicating a custom molding

From Adam:
Hobbyist here who is restoring an old home and wants to make trim to match some of the existing trim in my house. I haven’t found any trim profiles to buy that match. Thinking about making my own trim. I haven’t found a router bit that matches the profile. How easily expensive are these to get made? I have a large router. I don’t have a shaper or a molding machine. What are your thoughts on trying to get a bit made? Other options I should consider? I’ve seen a blade for a table saw that you attach knives to. Has anyone done this?

Article on running big moldings

Made You Look: Custom sanding blocks

Three clever and cost effective sanding solutions.

How to Create Custom Moldings with Handplanes

Make your own moldings, from simple to complex, with hollow and round planes.

Built-Up Moldings

Construct impressive moldings with just a router and off-the-shelf wood

Router table joinery

From Nathaniel:
Having recently used a router table for the first time, I began to imagine some brilliant possibilities for making joinery that I haven’t seen covered on the usual sources (YouTube, Google, etc). I’m beginning to fear the reason for this is that the methods are perhaps unsafe. Before I risk digits finding out for myself, I thought I’d throw the questions over to you guys!

#1: Is it possible to make a tenoning jig for the router table that is similar to one you might make for the table saw? For example, one on which you could clamp pieces vertically, and ride along the fence for reference. In my particular instance, I would like to make a sliding dovetail, and the protruding part would have to ride vertically along the fence.

#2: Is it possible to make a kind of miter fence or crosscut fence, using t-track or otherwise, to make tenons faster and cleaner than you might make on a table saw?

The Ultimate Router Table

Cabinet-based unit devours dust and decibels and puts controls on the outside

Brian Boggs – angled tenon

Get the Most From Your Router Table

Make controlled cuts using special jigs that hold the work and keep hands away from cutters

Favorite vises

I am currently gearing up to build my 4th bench (I am a glutton for punishment) and I am curious to know if/ when Mike is going to build another one. I know the FWW crew seems to be in opposition to the leg vise, but recently Mike hinted at liking the benchcrafted hardware and possibly making a modified leg chop. I would love to hear more on this topic.

Quickfire questions from Discord:

Any tips or suggestions on shop lighting? I am planning a new shop space and looking for a good solution.

Offbeat skills to try in between projects for people who usually do flat work…. Steam vending, hot pipe bending, soon carving (or green woodwork in general), etc.

If Mike is still using an iPad for designing furniture I’d like to know what software he’s using.

Drawing on a tablet

It’s not the same as pencil and paper—yet. But as Vic Tesolin says, sketching on a tablet is pretty fun and it saves the trees for woodworking

Every two weeks, a team of Fine Woodworking staffers answers questions from readers on Shop Talk Live, Fine Woodworking‘s biweekly podcast. Send your woodworking questions to [email protected] for consideration in the regular broadcast! Our continued existence relies upon listener support. So if you enjoy the show, be sure to leave us a five-star rating and maybe even a nice comment on our iTunes page.


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