The Link Up: Em’s CUTE Etsy Picture Frame Mat Find, Mallory’s Pretty And Hardworking AC Unit Rec, And An Affordable Face Moisturizer Hack

The Link Up: Em’s CUTE Etsy Picture Frame Mat Find, Mallory’s Pretty And Hardworking AC Unit Rec, And An Affordable Face Moisturizer Hack

Happy Sunday everyone! A full week back after a long holiday weekend is never easy but when there’s a surprise backyard refresh it eases the blow, right?? Ha. Anyway, hope this weekend has been full of rest and fun summer things. But for now, let’s just hop into this week’s links!

This week’s house tour is a brutalist gem! We know this style isn’t for everyone but once you see these photos it will be impossible to deny how special this home is. It’s also another great reminder to visit Portugal:) Go check it out here!

From Emily: How cute are these velvet mattes that I bought from Etsy?? Of course, most people don’t have pet portraits by incredible artists like Natalie Cooperman (I love them so much). Now to find the right serious but not too serious frame.

From Jess: Well, I was planning on talking about my new favorite shoes this week but instead wrote a whole post about them (and others) yesterday so go check that out here. But for an incredible giggle go watch Hannah Berner’s Netflix special We Ride At Dawn. It’s a show for the girls and NSFW but as a die are Giggler (see this podcast for reference) I am SO proud of Hannah and have already watched the special twice.

From Arlyn: In a shocking turn of events, my face has been so dry lately (a drastic change from the oil slick it tends to be in these swampy months). I had just reupped my normal, everyday moisturizer so I didn’t want to buy another one and waste this one. Instead, I bought this wonderful rosehip oil to layer underneath my moisturizer and I really, really love it. My face feels so well hydrated, not the least bit greasy (even if I get a little heavy-handed) as it absorbs so fast, and it wears great under makeup. I use it day and night and have also been rubbing it into my hair ends when needed as well as my cuticles. It’s lovely and super affordable!

From Caitlin: Ok, channeling my inner Karl (of Succession fame) here: I am OBSESSED with these wide-calf compression socks that my mom, Brenda, got me for Christmas last year! They’re not impossible to pull on, they provide the perfect level of support, and they make flying SO MUCH MORE comfortable. You know how you can feel achy or sore or tight after a flight? These have dramatically reduced my inflammation, which means I get off my plane feeling fresh and ready vs. cranky and cramped. I’ve tested them on short treks (2 hours to Portland) and long stretches (14 hours to Argentina) and I will never go back to flying in a normal sock. 3 pairs runs for about $26 and they’ll last you forever – after 7 months of testing, I can confirm that these are one of those “I should have done this sooner” purchases. (They also come in standard widths, for those of you with smaller calves – I just REALLY like this brand!)

From Gretchen: Caitlin referenced my whirlwind of a “busy week” in her AWESOME Facebook Marketplace post (did you read it? So many valuable tips from a seller’s perspective and a few thrown in from yours truly, too). Well, what started out as a wonderful 4th of July camping trip descended into emergency room madness involving an axe, my foot, and 9 stitches. Needless to say, I have been doing my best to rest and recover over at my parents’ place since the accident which (thankfully) happened closer to their home in Bend. My mom and dad are very much dinner-and-a-show kind of people, so when it came time to sit down (in an elevated, iced position for me) and decide what to watch, we took a gamble on this show called The Traitors. All I can say is we are HOOKED. I had seen it advertised a bunch but brushed it off until a friend shared just how addicting it was. And it was. Whether you enjoy reality TV or not (dad hates it and was still glued) this show will draw you in. You’ll find yourself immersed in the gameplay, yelling at the TV and talking strategy with anyone who will listen. Essentially it plays like the game Mafia, where certain contestants are selected to be Traitors, secretly “murdering” their fellow players and trying not to get caught by the Faithfuls and therefore “banished” from the game. Most of the players in the first season and ALL of the players in the second come from other reality TV shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor, and even The Real Housewives. The drama is palpable, the challenges are tough, and Alan Cumming is a hilariously flamboyant host. I am already dying (Traitor pun intended) for the next season!

From Mallory: I moved into a vintage apartment (cute!) but it has no AC (not cute!) so I did A LOT of research on window AC units and ended up getting this one which works GREAT. It’s ultra-quiet which is really nice so you’re not listening to a wind tunnel plus it can get VERY cold. If you’re in a similar situation and you’re tired of sweating this summer snag one!!

Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow! xx

Opening Image Credits: Photo by Kaitlin Green | From: Our Outdoor Living Room + Firepit Area Is The Sleeper Hit Of Our 2024 Summer

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